Routine & Sleep Training For Babies Designed For Happy Families. Lovingly guide your baby in the gentle art of unassisted sleep.

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Success Stories - 7 to 9 months

On this page, Baby Love 'graduate' families share their stories of encouragement and success with you. Should you wish to include your own Baby Love success story on this page, please email your story and pictures to us at and a Baby Love Consultant will contact you shortly.

Should you wish to include your own Baby Love success story on this page, please email your story and pictures to us at , or simply complete the form at the bottom of the page.

Matthew Kurten (9 months)
Matthew Kurten
(9 months)

(Correspondence course)

Zoe-Anne Leonard (7 months)
Zoe-Anne Leonard
(7 months)

Tyler Rheeder (7 months)
Tyler Rheeder
(7 months)

Matthew Mavrodaris (7 months)
Matthew Mavrodaris
(7 months)

Matthys van der Merwe (7 months)
Matthys van der Merwe
(7 months)

Keanu Neveling (7 months)
Keanu Neveling
(7 months)

Jacqui, Miles, Marc and Cameron (7 months)
Jacqui, Miles, Marc and Cameron
(7 months)

Jake Marcus (7 months)
Jake Marcus
(7 months)

Luke Reeves (7 months)
Luke Reeves
(7 months)

Claude Marais (7 months)
Claude Marais
(7 months)

Ruben van Niekerk (7 months)
Ruben van Niekerk
(7 months)

Weylin Pero (7 months)
Weylin Pero
(7 months)

Megan Bareuther (7 months)
Megan Bareuther
(7 months)

Shreya Naidoo (7 months)
Shreya Naidoo
(7 months)

Jake Dunlop (7 months)
Jake Dunlop
(7 months)

Christopher Deavall (7 months)
Christopher Deavall
(7 months)

Kate Schoeman (7.5 months)
Kate Schoeman
(7.5 months)

Paige Ridley (7.5 months)
Paige Ridley
(7.5 months)

Michael Fick (7.5 months)
Michael Fick
(7.5 months)

Grace Mkhwanazi (8 months)

Grace Mkhwanazi
(8 months)

Arabella Claassen (8 months)

Arabella Claassen
(8 months)

Kylie Barendse (8 months)

Kylie Barendse
(8 months)

Amy Ellis (8 months)
Amy Ellis
(8 months)

Keegan Pettitt (8 months)
Keegan Pettitt
(8 months)

Carter Nortje (8 months)
Carter Nortje
(8 months)

Daniël Beneke (8 months)
Daniël Beneke
(8 months)

Baby Love gradute (8 months)
Baby Love gradute
(8 months)

Luke Weir-Smith (8 months)
Luke Weir-Smith
(8 months)

Marc Isabelle (8 months)
Marc Isabelle
(8 months)

Stella Grace Matthes (8 months)
Stella Grace Matthes
(8 months)

Sebastian Heyns (8 months)
Sebastian Heyns
(8 months)

Lisa de Wet (8 months)
Lisa de Wet
(8 months)

Emily Tew (8 months)
Emily Tew
(8 months)

Simon Venter (8 months)
Simon Venter
(8 months)

Ruben Fourie (8 months)
Ruben Fourie
(8 months)

Aiden Kuys (8 months)
Aiden Kuys
(8 months)

Grace Thomas (8 months)
Grace Thomas
(8 months)

Emma Chisholm (8 months)
Emma Chisholm
(8 months)

Darius van Wyk (8 months)
Darius van Wyk
(8 months)

Mahdiya Alli (8 months)
Mahdiya Alli
(8 months)

Jason Croft (8 months)
Jason Croft
(8 months)

Jeandré Baard (8 months)
Jeandré Baard
(8 months)

Arabella Claassen (8 months)
Arabella Claassen
(8 months)

Kyra Oberholzer (8 months)
Kyra Oberholzer
(8 months)

Lume Viviers (8 months)
Lume Viviers
(8 months)

Mihané Tredoux (8 months)
Mihané Tredoux
(8 months)

Kyrah van der Merwe (8 months)
Kyrah van der Merwe
(8 months)

Jonathan Eloff (8 months)
Jonathan Eloff
(8 months)

Rivan Coetzee (8 months)
Rivan Coetzee
(8 months)

Dean and Carmen Herskovits (8˝ months)
Dean and Carmen Herskovits
(8˝ months)

Grace Cuthbert (8˝ months)
Grace Cuthbert
(8˝ months)

Mohammed Abdullah (9 months)
Mohammed Abdullah
(9 months)

Jordan Le Gras (9 months)
Jordan Le Gras
(9 months)

Aidan Raschel (9 months)
Aidan Raschel
(9 months)

Maya Talmud (9 months)
Maya Talmud
(9 months)

Brayden Donkin (9 months)
Brayden Donkin
(9 months)

Benjamin Dorfling (9 months)
Benjamin Dorfling
(9 months)

Renier Ischner (9 months)
Renier Ischner
(9 months)

Jordan Hallett (9 months)
Jordan Hallett
(9 months)

Kito van der Merwe (9 months)
Kito van der Merwe
(9 months)

Audrey and Makayla (9 months)
Audrey and Makayla
(9 months)

Tayla Gibbs (9 months)
Tayla Gibbs
(9 months)

Solen Harris (9 months)
Solen Harris
(9 months)

Muller Bosman (9 months)
Muller Bosman
(9 months)

Olivia Postma (9 months)
Olivia Postma
(9 months)

Aarna Sewpaul (9 months)
Aarna Sewpaul
(9 months)

Janroux du Preez (9 months)
Janroux du Preez
(9 months)

Chloe Carter (9 months)
Chloe Carter
(9 months)

Madison Hoedemaker (9 months)
Madison Hoedemaker
(9 months)

Sienna Kerr (9 months)
Sienna Kerr
(9 months)

Lyla Barnard (9 months)
Lyla Barnard
(9 months)

Lucia Rodriguez (9 months)
Lucia Rodriguez
(9 months)

Lily-Joy McLachlan (9 months)
Lily-Joy McLachlan
(9 months)

Leah du Toit (9 months)
Leah du Toit
(9 months)

Lyric van den Berg (9 months)
Lyric van den Berg
(9 months)

Sophia-Isabela Santo (9˝ months)
Sophia-Isabela Santo
(9˝ months)

Kyle Brothers (9˝ months)
Kyle Brothers
(9˝ months)

Jordan Wild (9˝ months)
Jordan Wild
(9˝ months)

Baby LoveNewborn to 2 months

Baby Love3 to 4 months

Baby Love5 to 6 months

Baby Love7 to 9 months

Baby Love10 to 12 months

Baby Love13 to 18 months

Baby Love19 to 24 months

Baby LoveTwins, triplets, quads

Baby LoveToddler Love