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Success Stories
On the following pages, Baby Love 'graduate' families share their stories of encouragement and success with you. These families have personally experienced the negative implications of sleep deprivation and they have personally implemented our sleep training and are now reaping the benefits of well rested nights which results in a happy family!
Should you wish to be like these families, then simply email and a Baby Love Consultant will contact you shortly.
Should you wish to include your own Baby Love success story on this page, please email your story and pictures to us at , or simply complete the form at the bottom of the page.
Ashton (L) & Quade (R) Jearey (twins 9 months)
This is our "Baby Love" story:
My husband (Gareth) and I, are proud parents to fraternal twins Quade and Ashton.
We heard about "Baby Love" at a SAMBA meeting in May 2012.
We were on the verge of break-down, both emotionally and physically, exhaustion was setting in and the relationship between Gareth and myself was breaking down, we were constantly arguing about the smallest thing, but this is what sleep deprivation does to you.
We both hold full time jobs with long hours, so our sleep was important to us. When the twins were 4 months old, and I returned to work, our nanny took over with the boys routine which was established in the NICU, but somewhere along the way, with our busy schedules, routine ended up out the window.
The twins were sleeping at different times, were grumpy and crying, which for us as parents, was so frustrating.
Nothing we did seemed to work…
We spent ages rocking them to sleep, and once asleep they were waking up every hour on the hour, in alternate shifts, it was a constant struggle of up/down; up/down.
When Fatima spoke about Baby Love, it was like a "light Bulb" went off, luckily for me, Gareth (the sceptic) was with me, and we asked a few questions after the talk, and decided to give it a try, we had nothing to lose at this stage. We had a session with Fatima, along with our nanny, and my mom.
What Fatima spoke about made perfect sense, we established a routine there and then, and promised we would stick to the routine for 21 days, we're 5 months down the line and ours live have done a complete turn-about!
The twins now go to sleep at 6pm and wake a 6am, no more rocking to sleep, no more up and down trips in the middle of the night.
By the second night the routine was working, but on night three, when we put the twins to sleep we sat on the couch and didn't know what to do with ourselves, the house was quite, the Twins were asleep, no fuss… We looked at each other puzzled…
Since our Baby Love intervention, our lives have changed for the better, we have two healthy happy boys, we enjoy each other's company again, and can't stop recommending Baby Love.
We have had so many of our "childless" friends comment and say we make twins look easy, and they can't wait to have kids one day, if only they knew…
Thank You so much to Fatima for getting us back on track!
Gareth & Hayley, Quade & Ashton Jearey