Routine & Sleep Training For Babies Designed For Happy Families. Lovingly guide your baby in the gentle art of unassisted sleep.

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Success Stories

On the following pages, Baby Love 'graduate' families share their stories of encouragement and success with you. These families have personally experienced the negative implications of sleep deprivation and they have personally implemented our sleep training and are now reaping the benefits of well rested nights which results in a happy family!

Should you wish to be like these families, then simply email and a Baby Love Consultant will contact you shortly.

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Wade and Erin Beling (twins 9 months)

Hi Jacqui

Well I did complete the training and am proud to say that my twins are 20 months old and share a room and still sleep through!!!

They don't always go down without fussing but I know that unless they are not sick, teething, etc I can leave them to self sooth and settle. They sleep twice during the day from anything between an hour and a half to two hours. I can visit friends and say we are going to "dudu" and they will follow me. I can lay them down on pillows, give them a blanket and they will settle and eventually fall asleep.

I can strongly recommend sleep training. I started mine just after Easter last year when my twins were about 9 months old. Sleep training also helped me to get my daughter off her dummy as I would only give it to her when she went to sleep and would zip it away as soon as she woke up.

Initially I separated my twins having my daughter sleep in my room and eventually I moved her back into their shared room and no problems. I also used to play soothing music but have stopped that and no music is necessary for them to sleep.

Thanks so much for assisting me.

Kind regards

Baby LoveNannies

Baby LoveNewborn to 2 months

Baby Love3 to 4 months

Baby Love5 to 6 months

Baby Love7 to 9 months

Baby Love10 to 12 months

Baby Love13 to 18 months

Baby Love19 to 24 months

Baby LoveTwins, triplets, quads

Baby LoveToddler Love