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Success Stories
On the following pages, Baby Love 'graduate' families share their stories of encouragement and success with you. These families have personally experienced the negative implications of sleep deprivation and they have personally implemented our sleep training and are now reaping the benefits of well rested nights which results in a happy family!
Should you wish to be like these families, then simply email and a Baby Love Consultant will contact you shortly.
Should you wish to include your own Baby Love success story on this page, please email your story and pictures to us at , or simply complete the form at the bottom of the page.
Leila Cawood
Hi Nikki,
Peter and I would just like to thank you.
As you know we had endless problems with little Leila when it came to nap & dudu time! We were at our very end, we had no patience with her & we started asking ourselves where did we go so horribly wrong! We seemed to battle to get her to sleep, eat & the discipline measures we took all failed. She was always grumpy & complaining.
I had to go lie down with her every afternoon & night she will play with my hair till she was asleep this some nights took an hour plus!
As she only went to bed at 8pm, hubby & I had no time for each other, let alone for our new born at that stage. A friend referred me to Baby Love, that is how we ended up doing the Toddler Love program.
I dreaded that 1st nap & dudu as i knew she was going to kick up a big fuss. We created a star chart for her (which she loves) . We followed the routine me & hubby discussed the weekend before we started. To my surprise it went very well she moaned a bit the afternoon eventually fell asleep. The night time was so weird for us as from 7pm it was only the two of us. We took Leila back 3 times & she was asleep before the 15min check. We couldn't believe that this is the same child! We followed a very strict routine in those 21 days to follow.
She came through to our room maybe once or twice in the 21 days, we just took her back without a fuss. As expected we had one or two bad days, but with Nikki's support we got through it.
After we completed the program we stuck to the same routine but we are a bit more relaxed. Little Leila knows when its nap o dudu time. If she does not nap (which does happen) she stays on her bed playing quietly with her animals or babas. We were stunned the one night when she came to us while busy in the kitchen saying she wants to go dudu ( it was only 18h30!)
She is a pleasure nowadays and we can honestly say we enjoy spending time with her! With the sleep problem sorted we are able to tackle the picky eating problem as she is open to our suggestions.
By completing this 21 day program we only improved Leila & our lives.
We can't thank you enough Nikki!