Routine & Sleep Training For Babies Designed For Happy Families. Lovingly guide your baby in the gentle art of unassisted sleep.

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Success Stories

On the following pages, Baby Love 'graduate' families share their stories of encouragement and success with you. These families have personally experienced the negative implications of sleep deprivation and they have personally implemented our sleep training and are now reaping the benefits of well rested nights which results in a happy family!

Should you wish to be like these families, then simply email and a Baby Love Consultant will contact you shortly.

Should you wish to include your own Baby Love success story on this page, please email your story and pictures to us at , or simply complete the form at the bottom of the page.

Kimberley and Jessie Bouwer (twins, 6 months)

Kimberley and Jessie Bouwer (twins, 6 months)

My twin girls (Kimberley and Jessie) came home from the hospital in an already established routine thanks to their stay in the NICU.  They were completely well just tiny tots.  We started out ok and thought we were smiling when they were only waking once in the night.  Then as they got older the getting to sleep became a bit of a struggle.  I had done ALL the research.  We had a structured routine and sleep associations (dudu blanket and dummy) bath etc but still the getting to sleep would turn into a 2 hour affair. 

Rocking and Rocking and Rocking.  We even tried a bit of sleep training (the internet version) which worked for all 3 days.  My husband has his own business and I have a demanding job.  We also have a 9 year old who was coming in while I was rocking away to say goodnight and I was not able to spend any time with her.  Something had to give.

After feeling very depleted and as if nothing would work I contacted BABY LOVE.  To be honest I didn't think it would work but I was prepared to try anything.  I remember Jacqui explaining how much they must sleep in the day and laughed cause I thought - that is NEVER gonna happen.
Lying in bed the Friday before we started our 21 days I cried myself to sleep thinking how hard it was going to be but I was COMPLETELY WRONG and so happy with the result.

21 days later - the girls sleep exactly as they are supposed to - they are so happy and easy going.  From start of bath to top up feed they are down in 30min.  We are able to spend quality time with our 9 year old and the girls SLEEP ALL THE WAY THROUGH! 

Baby love without a doubt changed our entire families life.  I cannot put a price on the time I am able to spend with my oldest!  Thank you BABY LOVE!! With Baby Love TWINS aren't as hard as you would think!


Baby LoveNannies

Baby LoveNewborn to 2 months

Baby Love3 to 4 months

Baby Love5 to 6 months

Baby Love7 to 9 months

Baby Love10 to 12 months

Baby Love13 to 18 months

Baby Love19 to 24 months

Baby LoveTwins, triplets, quads

Baby LoveToddler Love