Routine & Sleep Training For Babies Designed For Happy Families. Lovingly guide your baby in the gentle art of unassisted sleep.

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Success Stories

On the following pages, Baby Love 'graduate' families share their stories of encouragement and success with you. These families have personally experienced the negative implications of sleep deprivation and they have personally implemented our sleep training and are now reaping the benefits of well rested nights which results in a happy family!

Should you wish to be like these families, then simply email and a Baby Love Consultant will contact you shortly.

Should you wish to include your own Baby Love success story on this page, please email your story and pictures to us at , or simply complete the form at the bottom of the page.

Ruben and Miane Truter (twins 6 months)

Ruben and Miane Truter (twins 6 months)

Life before Baby Love was hectic, we hardly got any sleep! We have twins, they are currently 7 months old. We started the program when they were 6months old. It changed our lives drastically.

The little girl used to wake me up an average of 10 times a night..... I sometimes felt like why do I even bother going to bed. We then went to the "best" pediatrician in PE...... He admitted her to the hospital and ran 6 different tests on her, we spent 36 hours in the hospital only to find out she's perfectly healthy, we went through all that trauma for nothing, I was soooo upset but really grateful at the same time because it's there that we met a lady that did the sleep training with her son and referred us to Nikki from Baby Love.

I was so desperate that I made an appointment to see Nikki as soon as possible. I didn't care what it cost, all I knew was that Nikki was my last resort. Our boy took to the program immediately and slept thru from the 2nd night and has done so ever since! Our little girl was a bit more determined, and she only started sleeping thru the night 2 weeks after starting the program.

It's really hard at times but you just have to apply selective deafness and ignore the crying, after all it's only the first couple of days. My twins are so unbelievable happy and just loving life and so are we. We will forever be grateful to Nikki at Baby Love, it was truly a life changing experience.

Baby LoveNannies

Baby LoveNewborn to 2 months

Baby Love3 to 4 months

Baby Love5 to 6 months

Baby Love7 to 9 months

Baby Love10 to 12 months

Baby Love13 to 18 months

Baby Love19 to 24 months

Baby LoveTwins, triplets, quads

Baby LoveToddler Love