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Success Stories
On the following pages, Baby Love 'graduate' families share their stories of encouragement and success with you. These families have personally experienced the negative implications of sleep deprivation and they have personally implemented our sleep training and are now reaping the benefits of well rested nights which results in a happy family!
Should you wish to be like these families, then simply email and a Baby Love Consultant will contact you shortly.
Should you wish to include your own Baby Love success story on this page, please email your story and pictures to us at , or simply complete the form at the bottom of the page.
Lukas Ochsenbein (twins, 8 months)
Hi Jacqui
I had heard about Baby Love while pregnant with my twins but just never found time to go to a workshop. Anyway fast forward a couple of months. I had 8 month old twin girls (Jorja and Madison) and had recently stopped breastfeeding. Jorja the oldest had just been sick and they had gone from sleeping really well for the first 7 months and now it was hell, they woke up 5 to 6 times a night EACH. If that wasn't bad enough, my eldest daughter (Allyssa), who was 32 months old was also waking up 2 to 3 times a night.
My twins were clingy and difficult and I couldn't move without one of them moaning. I was at the point that if anyone offered to baby sit, as soon as they walked in I was gone. Not to mention the stress and strain it was putting on Pierre and my relationship. I just was not enjoying my babies.
That was when I found an email about Baby Love.
I made an appointment and we went through and saw Jacqui. We did the course and as we left Pierre was very doubtful. I couldn't believe it would work either but I was desperate and I would try anything.
So we started and by the 3rd night they slept through and I wasn't even at home as I had to go to a conference. We did the full 3 weeks of the training and we have had some ups and downs but on the whole it works. With the routine in place people want to baby sit as they know exactly what to do next.
The twins were in hospital for a week and we carried on with the routine and it helped the babies feel settled.
Just after the 3 weeks were up (as for the entire 3 weeks besides my conference we did nothing but eat, sleep and the routine), we went out to a party and it was the first time in months that I would have been quite happy to stay at home with the kids. The twins are now 17 months and still sleeping, and the best bit is putting them in their cots and saying Goodnight and closing the door knowing that they will go to sleep.
Thanks Jacqui.